Loma Linda University -School of Medicine
136,000 sf total
School off Medicine offices and Cancer Research Labratories
Loma Linda, CA
Conceived as the new face of the School of Medicine with its valued siting at the terminus to University Mall. Two buildings in one, the design for the School of Medicine Offices and Cancer Institute forms a symmetrical presence heightening the axial nature of the mall while becoming a focus point and backdrop for daily Campus life and special sermonical activities.
Offices inhabit the glazed curtainwall wings, angled and outstretched in a visual embrace of University Mall, while Lab facilities are located at the end and back of the building in a more controlled and protected environment.
San Jose City College-Vocational Tech.
Design Architect
LPAS Architecture + Design
35,000 sf
Concept design
San Jose, CA
Concept Design for new Vocational Technology Building. Conceived to read as one building, industrial in character, bisected by a diagonal path connected to an established pedestrian way on campus.
At the core of the building a courtyard, engaged by this pathway, that becomes the communal heart of the facility. On one side of the courtyard are two floors of classrooms, on the other side are the shop facilities which enjoy high ceilings and generous daylighting. Joining both parts of the facility and heightening the experience of the pedestrian way, is a shade structure, light and delicate in scale and texture.
San Jose City College-Gym
Design Contributor
LPAS Architecture + Design
59,000 sf
San Jose, CA
New physical education building and gymnasium with competition basketball court and space for retractable bleachers. The facility includes a fitness center, multi-purpose classrooms, training and equipment rooms plus offices and spaces that support the SJCC athletic programs and physical education curriculum.
The building frames the entrance to the campus stadium while the main entrance to the building is a centrally located double height lobby, joining the core functions of the building. Industrial, in character, sawtooth roof provides nature light to gymnasium below.
Great Beginnings Preschool
Design Architect | Principal in Charge
serrao design | Architecture
2,200 sf
22 pre-k students, 16 preschool students
Curtis Park, Sacramento, CA
New location for well established neighborhood preschool to be located at the newly established private Franklin Park School. Designed to serve under 40 children, the building is conceived as a compact yet playful addition to the parklike environment. Designed as modular prefabricated units in order to limit disruption to the year round Franklin Park School the facility is developed as two distinct classrooms with a separate 3rd space intended for shared activities.
Franklin Park Private School
Principal in Charge
serrao design | Architecture
2,800 sf,
Private k-6
Curtis Park, Sacramento, CA
Site selection services, test fits and feasibility assessment resulted in the purchase of this 3/4 acre property. Provided all documentation, application and representation for successful change of use entitlements.